A God Confirmation
I flew out of town today for a business trip. I enjoy reading "First" magazines when I fly. They have great recipes, and neat tips for cleaning, mending broken things, and usually uplifting articles. I was browsing through the current issue when I stumbled across and article by Kathy Ireland on self doubt. I was blown away by the tip she shared on overcoming self doubt.

She put a note on her bathroom mirror that read "J.O.Y.".
Jesus, Others, You
I have been re-examining my own priorities lately and had decided to make a committed and conscious effort to put Jesus first in my life. So, to me this was God putting a great big exclamation point on my efforts.

One of the things I had begun to do again was to write an appointment time with God in my planner. That was also one of the things she suggested doing.

I love it when God confirms to us that we are on the right path. How about you, has God confirmed anything to you lately. Please share yours with me, and leave it on a comment.

Don't forget about the "Cool Christmas Giveaway"
, use the button below to get in on the fun.

I will share our families Christmas Eve tradition on my next post.

Love to all,


Blogger Bonita said...

Well, He just confirmed through you something He was speaking to my heart earlier today- to put an appointment time with Him on my calendar! How cool! I always have it in my mind that I'll meet with Him first thing in the morning and I usually do, but lately things have been creeping in and before I know it half the morning is gone and I've not had that good, quality time with Him. Rather, I've just said, "Hi, God. Bye, God." Ironically, I was just given a brand new 2008 planner calendar today. Another coincidence? Nope, another confirmation! Thanks for sharing, Charlene! P.S.: Love you!

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About Me
I am taking some time away from speaking to glean more from God and draw closer to Him. I need to be at home more with my children for a season. I will continue to post on my blog and update you all. I covet your prayers during this new season.
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