Wardrobe Malfunction!!!!
I have now joined the ranks of Shari Braendel and Lysa TerKeurst for most humiliating moments.

As I told you yesterday I am currently on a business trip out of town. Indianapolis to be exact. I am here for some training.

I dressed this morning in a skirt and shirt with my coordinating accessories (14 points - Shari would be proud) and went to the lobby of the hotel for breakfast.

I filled my plate and placed it on a table, as I went to sit down I felt something rolling down my hips. I thought, oops my pantyhose are slipping down. I know I am not the only one who has had experienced that joy. As I was deciding how to gracefully adjust them, I realized it was not my hose that I was feeling. My skirt slipped off my bottom and fell to the floor in a heap, exposing my pantyhose and spanxx to all. I gasped and quickly retrieved my lost covering pulled it up and sat promptly in the chair.

Now mind you this area was filled with business men eating breakfast. Thankfully none of them made a peep or even a choking noise. They spared me any more embarrassment.

As I looked at my plate (I could not dare look at anyone in the room) and ate my food I tried to figure out what to do next. I grabbed my cell phone and clipped it to my skirt and hose, thinking that would help some. Then I remembered while I was packing yesterday I had a safety pin I did not know what to do with, the Holy Spirit prompted me to put it in my suitcase (I had thankfully obeyed on this one). I retrieved the safety pin, and after finishing my food, I cinched my way to the ladies room and fixed my slippery problem.

Fortunately the rest of the day was smooth. I will be changing clothes before I go into the airport. I have had enough excitement for one day. I will be glad to be home.

Don't forget to visit Lysa's blog for the Cool Giveaways, just click the button below.

If you have had a malfunction experience please leave a comment and share.



Blogger Shari Braendel said...

OH MY LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Charlene!!!!! You have joined us in humiliating moments!!! I can only imagine the men in that room giggling to themselves and wondering "why oh why is her skin so smooth??? , my wife's certainly isn't that shiny"....oh, dear one...it is that invention called Spanx! Oh, girl, that is sooo funny and you handled it with grace, I'm sure! Love you, Shari www.ShariBraendel.com

Blogger Bonita said...

Oh my gosh, Charlene, I'm rolling on the floor laughing over this one!! I can picture you handling it as gracefully as ever, but what fun it must have been for the other eaters.

Okay, this is so weird. Today I was thinking about my most embarrassing moments, one of which was a wardrobe malfunction. When the kids were very young I wore a strapless bathing suit to the amusement park and decided that we should all ride the lazy river. When it was time to get off I had a difficult time wrangling two toddlers off the raft and when I finally got them squared away and out of water over their heads, I stood up facing the entire crowd of people waiting to get on the ride only to realize that my bathing suit top had slid down and I was topless. Eeek!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My hand is still over my mouth! This is hilarious!

Nicky Gary:)

Blogger Laura said...

I can feel your embarrasment! I was running late for church one morning and quickly put on a wrap around and tie skirt. When service was over, the entire congregation stood up, my skirt landed on the floor! I know exactly how you felt!

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About Me
I am taking some time away from speaking to glean more from God and draw closer to Him. I need to be at home more with my children for a season. I will continue to post on my blog and update you all. I covet your prayers during this new season.
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